My Best Friend

My Best Friend
We're ALL Footprints on Earth. Follow kids.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

The Child Abuse Cover Up

According to Documents:

So who all knew for 5 years and 4 months that there was a Day Care in Billings, which also sold adult sex toys? They did nothing to stop it, until toddlers were raped and molested.

1.  U.S. Senator Max Baucus
2.  U.S. Senator Conrad Burns (Former)
3.  Congressman Denny Rehburg.(202) 325-2211 or 1-888-232-2266
4.  Representative William Glaser
5.  Former Senator Lane Larson
6.  Former State Atty General Mike Mcgrath
7.  Yellowstone County Atty Dennis Paxinos and Ann McKittrick, Mark Murphy(Condoned sex toy business run out of Day Care, in writing)
8.  Billings Police Chief Rich St. John and his precessor and Lt. Mark Cady
9.  Former Yellowstone County Sheriff Chuck Maxwell, under Sheriff Jay Bell
10. Former head of CPS Gail Gray, new Head person Anna Whiting Sorrell (Helena)
11. CPS Billings supervisor Walt Wagonthal
12. CPS Billings worker Shirley Lieder, Abby Cassidy and basically the whole CPS Billings office and staff.
13. Montana Governor Brian Schweitzer, numerous letters over 4 years and Carlo Canty.
14. The Montana Day Care Licensing Bureau local office and Helena
15. The Montana Dept. of Justice
16. Billings City Attorney's Office Craig Hansel
17. District Court Judge Russel Fagg (Let Child Molestors free who my son named molested him)
18. District Court Judge Susan Watters (Condoned sex toy business ran out of day care)
19. District Court Judge G. Todd Baugh, violated all Civil rights under Title 42 USC 1983 Sections 241-242. Such violations mandate criminal charges against the Judge. Nothing was done to him.
20.State Court Investiagtor Tylene Merkel (Condoned sex toy business run out of Day Care in writing)

Who knew after the fact and still did nothing to save a child;'
US Senator Jon Tester
State Atty General Steve Bullock
Secretary of State Linda McCulloch

Who Stopped the Child Abuse, Rape and Molestation? NO ONE! What did they do after the Day Care was finally raided 5 years later by the authorities? Tried to shut the father up and attack his credibility. Stopped the legal, biological from obtaining the arrest records in fear he'd tell the other child victims parents that they ALL knew about it.

This list is far from complete. I'm sure I left out some others. This is what happens when nobody listens. This is what happens to our children when corruption overrides common sense.

With NO recourse, a father publicized the wrongdoing. What did he get for that? CPS took his child away for bogus reasons, whom the dad raised, loved and cared for for 7 years. Public opinion, as well, as statements by the local police, bring good questions to mind, how did the owner of the Day Care not know, Jacque, especially when the babies told her what was happening. Oddly enough, the charges mention (prickly poking things) being used on the babies. Sound like one of those sex toys doesn't it? The children were told to keep quiet and not tell their daddy according to the Charging Documents. The money, the illegal Day Care, must have meant more than the kids safety. How would anyone not know what was going on at nap time? This story can be seen below;

Jerry Lindau
Jerry Lindau
Billings, MT–Jerry, 62, and his wife Jacque, ran an unlicensed daycare out of their home and cared for at least 12 pre-school aged children. The Lindau’s claim that all of those children are relatives. You probably know where this one is going, don’t ya?
Jerry was arrested when it was discovered that he had sexually molested a pair of 4-year-old twins. These two little girls told their daddy that Jerry had been touching their ‘nu-nu’s,’ their terms for vagina. The man they called ‘Papa’ penetrated them with his finger…they stated that sometimes he did it too hard, and it hurt. The children also told authorities that Jerry had touched their nu-nu’s with his tongue. The girls were forced to touch Jerry…one of the girls said that the place she touched was wet and her hand got wet. For the purpose of keeping my breakfast in my stomach, where it belongs, I’m not going any further into the nasty details. You can find the graphic details here, in the charging documents. Those two little girls gave the police information that most 4-year-olds could never dream up.
When one of the girls told ‘Grandma Jackie’ that Papa was putting a stick with ‘pokie things’ on it in her butt, Grandma Jackie told her to stop joking with her. Grandma Jackie didn’t believe them. XXXX you Grandma Jackie. You should be sitting in an adjoining cell. Papa told the girls not to tell their daddy. XXXX you Papa…you lard ass child raping asshole.
Jerry was arrested and is being held on $100,000. He is being charged with four counts of sexual intercourse without consent and three counts of sexual assault. Lindau is no stranger to law enforcement. In 1982, he was convicted of negligent homicide; he struck and killed a 6-year-old boy as he crossed the street on his bike. Jerry didn’t spend any jail time on that conviction, his three-year sentence was deferred and he had to do community service. Big fxxxx’ whoop! He was also arrested on suspicion of assault in 1991.
Jerry’s former son-in-law, XXXX, says Jerry exhibited aggressive and dangerous behavior years ago. He says he wasn’t surprised at the allegations being made against Jerry. ‘It is not a question of if, it was when. I have feverously (sic) contacted every government agency for 5 and a half years. I’ve known the family since 1999,’ said XXX.
XXX said that he and others reported abuse about the Jeery and wife. Documents filed in court between two and six years ago state that Jerry has a ‘history of physical abuse’ and about a person being ‘physically, emotionally and sexually abused’ by Jerry. Nothing was done.‘He’s an extremely temperamental and violent man. I had been told sexual abuse in the home by close relatives had transpired in the home and been allowed to transpire in the home under his supervision, while he was in the home,’ said XXX.
TheMorningStar has this one up in the forums. Thanks TMS.
Update:3/4/09- On Wednesday, Jerry had complained he was feeling ill. When officers did a cell check at 1:00 p.m., Jerry was responsive. Minutes later, they discovered he stopped breathing. Jerry was pronounced dead at 1:30 p.m.

In all fairness, I was contacted by a minor child, age 16, pregnant, already has one child, and who lets Grandma J, watch her kids for free I would imagine. But unknown, if you pay for service, even free you're paying with your own kids blood. What are you, insane? Read Court Documents and Transcripts, parents admitted in sworn testimony their son was being molested and failed/ REFUSED to call the authorities, in fear she and her daughter,the birth mother would be investigated. (Anonymous) states it was her own family, the toddlers who got raped at the Day Care, yet she still trusts one of the Prime Suspects? Grow up, ignorance is bliss. Even parent's own mother calls her a liar, a horrible liar.. Wake up kid, you're playing with fire and your kids may be next. Then and if you grow up, you might understand. Being a mere 16, taking advantage of free child care, if it is free, because Jacque has a record of fraud, then do what yoiu have to do, the GROW UP!

I urge you all, write your Senators and Congressman, make the hold Hearings and change the CPS laws. Stop the Federal Funding to permit such shameful practices and violations of our Rights and our Kid's Rights. DO IT NOW!

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