Did you know, I doubt it, that for every State CPS case that CPS takes, they get between 18,000 and 30,000 dollars per kid. Guess where that money comnes from? Give up? Washington D'C and your State Senators and Congressman support the States to misappropriate Federal Money and use these funds to RUIN and DESTROY familes.
Your Senators, your Congressman, won't hold Hearings to prevent the slaughter of famlies, only so State idiots can grab those almighty funds to fund their shameful programs.
CPS is funded, only by legislative bucks, that come from Washington D.C, Dept, of HHS. If CPS in your state doesn't snag, kidnap, destroy familes to keep afloat, they sink, as they should do. They're BROKE without those Federal bucks. But, if you complain to your Senator, or Congress, they ignore you. Whats' up with that?
Attorney's here call DFS (Departemnet of Family Services) DUFUS.
Please America, please citizens, DEMAND change, write your piece of garbage Senators and Congress, FORCE them to change the laws. Do you know if CPS was privatized, more kids would NOTdie under their blatant ignorance.
CPS is Nationwide. What people don't know is CPS gets their money from the Feds. Each time they unlawfully snag a child, charge good parents, they get 18 to 30,000 for their agency. CPS violates the 4th and 14th Amendment. Senators and Congress turn (Blind Eyes) to this illegal activity. CPS misappropriates Federal dollars. Nobody is stopping them. Take a STAND, DEMAND HEARINGS into this shameful practice. Kids or parents have NO Constitutional Rights anymore. Wake up America.
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