My Best Friend

My Best Friend
We're ALL Footprints on Earth. Follow kids.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

America, I know It's Hard to See READ IT ANYWAY

Look, we know how hard it is to watch the video's we post. But, is it really that hard to watch the truth about what's happening here in America. We cannot bury our heads in the sand like an Ostrich anymore.

The Feds, spend 10.5 BILLION Dollars a year, by handing it out to State CPS agents, to help those corrupt States balance their budgets. The US Prison system has 2 million in custody, shockingly, a whopping 70% of all those in Prison came from Foster Care. Most were drugged by CPS during their stay in Foster Care, (To help them adjust). Then combine the amount of drug money the pharmaceutical companies made from those drugs, then combine the average cost to keep a prisoner incarcerated one year. It's staggering, simply staggering. The Family Courts and CPS know exactly how to bring revenue into their States, by seizing kids from their families. Bounce that kid around from Foster care to Foster care, get up yo 2,000 each time.

CPS has incentives, to separate families, illegally, and violate the 4th and 14th Amendment of the US Constitution regularly. In doing so, they appoint THEIR own doctors, their OWN investigators to destroy evidence, falsify evidence, shred evidence, and ignore any positive thing that's available, in order to get those Federal Funds. Most children that are placed in Foster care are (Drugged) to "help" them with adjustment disorders, and, now the drug companies make millions as well. It's a vicious circle corrupt, a travesty, a tragedy, all to get MORE Money from Washington D.C. If you're poor, on Medicaid, have more than one kid, all it takes is a pissed off neighbor that your dog pooped in his yard to make one call to CPS. The money your kids are wroth to CPS is alarming. You will loses your kids. They will take your kids. The more they take, the richer they get.

Do the math, investigate it yourself. Google CPS corruption, You Tube Fight CPS, or CPS corruption and see for yourself. Don't take our word for it, the truth is out there, and, if you ignore it, you might as well join the Nazi party, because the same tactics used today by CPS, are in granite, historically in our past. CPS is the New World Order, the New Holocaust.

CPS stands for (Children. Parents, Separated)

The States spend one dollar for your kid, and if CPS gets involved, they get THREE bucks forevery ONE Dollar they spend for that child. If they bounce the child around from Foster care to Foster care, they get an additional 1,000 to 1,500 dollars from the Feds. That's how States are balancing their budgets, their deficits, by taking your kids away.


Wednesday, May 18, 2011

CPS and Court Failure in Every State

Here's the story of a very good father, and, his friend.

Mark, did his best, his all, to save his precious little girl from unspeakable abuse.

It resulted in a witch hunt on America's Most Wanted. Mark was tried and acquitted of any wrongdoing whatsoever by a jury of his peers. CPS took his baby in the meantime.

What Mark accomplished was something that the courts and CPS couldn't do, save his baby girl, his life, his love, his precious baby.

Despite his being cleared of ANY wrongdoing, he hasn't been allowed to see his baby for 4years and 8 months now..

Now....You tell me this system isn't corrupt. Mark,  bless his soul, still fights to see his baby.

Even when a Court of Law pronounces you INNOCENT, CPS can still destroy your life and violate every Civil Right this innocent father has.

Do the math, father plus daughter equals 1, Father plus daughter, divided by CPS, equals HELL.

Pray for Mark. Pray for his baby girl, reunite them as the family they were always meant to be under God.

This is a total and complete Violation of Title 42 USC 1983 241-242. As well as the 4th and 14th Amendment of our Constitution.

The United States Supreme Court held that the (Old Notion) that "generally it is the man's primary responsibility to provide a home and it's essentials" can no longer justify a statute that discriminates on the basis of gender. " No longer is the female destined solely for the home and the rearing of the family, and only the male for the marketplace and world of ideas" It furthers,"NO BOND IS MORE PRECIOUS AND NONE BE MORE ZEALOUSLY PROTECTED BY LAW AS THE BOND BETWEEN PARENT AND CHILD" MAV V ANDERSON 345 US 528, 533;73 S.Ct. 840, 843 (1952) as well as Stanton V, Stanton, 421 US 7.10;95 S.Ct. 1373, 1376 (1975)

What is interesting here, is that the Washington State Judges violated Mark's and his daughter's Civil Rights, and that under Titlle 18 241-242, they and the Washington CPS are guilty, and punishable by the law as criminals. That is backed up by Title 42 USC 1983.

So...where's Mark's baby girl, his life and her's, missing 4 years of love, joy, happiness?
See the proof for yourself, and pray, pray, pray for Mark and his precious little baby, who's not a baby anymore. Their life was destroyed by the US Government.

The Signs of Sexual Abuse

In March of 2006, after 3 months of sudden fear of going to bed, a child kept acting out what child called, "The Game." Child took sexual positions, played with privates constantly and even named the abusers. Child complained of pee-pee hurting. CPS told the father who to take child to, a child psychiatrist. The father did. The doctor said that CPS told him the father was making it up. CPS did nothing. The mother opened up a sex toy party business, held at the Day Care of her parent's home where the child was living for 3.5 years . CPS did nothing.

In July, 2007, the child couldn't control child's bladder, even in waking hours. The doctors said child was being sexually molested. Child wouldn't even let the doctors look at child. CPS went to the doctor and said that the father was making it up. CPS did nothing.

The child was caught twice, using stuffed animals as sexual toys, doing unspeakable things. Child was also caught with the family dog. The father had to get rid of the family dog. In 2008, the child told two strangers that mommy broke child's privates. CPS did nothing.

In 2009, the child had been living with his maternal grandparents,in their unlicensed Day Care. The police finally raided the home, after the father warned them for 5 years. The grandfather was charged with 7 felony counts of rape and molestation. Again, child had lived there for 3.5 years and the father alerted every Politician, State and Federal. CPS did nothing.

Late 2009, the child was refused medical care by child's mother. Child had severe pain while urinating. The mother hid the facts from father. Several weeks later, the child was peeing blood. The mother hid that as well. CPS did nothing. The child came with blood splattered all over the back of  underwear. CPS did nothing. The child refused to wipe bottom, claiming it hurt to touch it. CPS did nothing.

In 2010, the child still bed wetting, has for years. Child was caught trying to force  baby sister to touch  privates. 28 days prior to that episode, the father contacted CPS and warned them it may happen. CPS did nothing. The child stated mommy said it was (Fun) to play with privates. CPS was told, CPS did nothing.

Late 2010, the child began making sexual statements to neighbor kids. A licensed psychologist had been seeing the child for 8 months. The psychologist documented medical, dental neglect and sexual exposure. CPS did nothing. Well, not nothing, as they FIRED that doctor who is a specialist with children.

In 2011, CPS took copies of the father's daily diary, not to see what evidence of abuse on the child that the father had, but to see what the father had on their (CPS) failure. CPS agreed the child has sexual problems, but refused to even take child's bloody underwear. Refused to take disturbing artwork the child had drawn, all of abuse by mother and stepfather.

In this short little life, child's been seen for 5 possible concussions, kicked down stairs, beaten with a fly swatter until bruised, hit in the face so hard had to be seen at the E.R, burned on hand by a cigarette, massive sexual problems, 11 rotting teeth, refused a doctor for 17 months which led to surgery, refused a psychologist by the mother despite her being Court Ordered to do so and covered with head lice twice. The list is far too big to go into detail. Medical history exceeds anything this web-site has ever seen. CPS does Nothing. Oh but wait, CPS did tell the father (On Tape) it's not illegal to hit your child in the face in Montana.

In 2010, the F.B.I concluded that CPS had failed this child, and, that CPS wouldn't return child to the father because it would be an admission of their own guilt and they'd face a massive law suit. The local police refused to let the father read the arrest report of all the raped kids at the Day Care, because the father would tell the other parents that the cops and CPS knew about the dangers for over 5 years. The father kept copies of all the letters sent to everyone. Even though the father Filed a Subpoena, the County Judge Quashed it, to hide the truth.

What all this REALLY boils down to, is this child's life isn't worth a penny to CPS, the cops, the Courts, or anyone. Child's life is just collateral damage to prevent them from being sued.

You be the judge: Watch this You Tube Video and tell us it doesn't describe this Blog and CPS's utter and complete failure to protect an innocent child.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Congress Corruption and CPS

Congress, dishes out millions of dollars, as does all Washington Government, to fund hideous Child Protective Services in individual States. These States don't have to answer for anything they do with that valuable tax payer money. No, instead the more kids the snag, who often don't need help, the more parents they target, who are good innocent loving parents, bring big Federal bucks to the CPS organizations. The HHS money from Washington D.C is earmarked to fund corrupt CPS agencies in the U.S. with the Unholy blessings of your politicians.

The problem, is there is NO oversight. A CPS employee has more power than the police, the sheriff, the Marshall, the FBI, CIA  and they don't even need a warrant. Every Civil Right that (You Think) you have, is washed away, often by a fake, phony complaint by a disgruntled neighbor, friend, or disgruntled spouse. In the meantime, the 4th and 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution is totally ignored. Sadly, the odds of a child becoming more harmed, or dead, under the watchful eye of CPS is 1 in 5. CPS denies your Rights, or your child's under the Constitution , with Congress's Blessing.

The Family Court Judges defer their own responsibility to uphold yours and your child's Rights, under the Constitution under Title 42, section 241 and 242, yet because they defer the authority to the CPS investigators normally, they act as Pilate at the trial of Jesus and wash their hands of any wrongdoing. WRONG! Under Title 42, 1983, these Judges can not only be held professionally responsible, but personally responsible and face Criminal Charges under the law. So can the CPS employees.
The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, Supreme Court Justice Morena said it best in his findings, scathing as they are, against the CPS in America. Below are his exact findings, shocking as they may be, the truth;


What the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals said about CPS and Family Services. ( Camreta v. Greene )

1. " The court held the seizure under these circumstances VIOLATED the Fourth Amendment"
2. " Several Circuit courts have found that Child Protective Services (CPS) Agents investigating child abuse are the functional equivalent of police officers conducting such investigations and should, therefore, be governed by the same Fourth Amendment standards"
3. " The juvenile dependency system in this country is DYSFUNCTIONAL."
4. " Even Justice Carlos Moreno of the California Supreme Court has noted that the system is in need of A MAJOR OVERHAUL"
5. "The problem stems in part from CPS agents lack of proper education, training, accountability, and oversight."
6." An unwarranted intrusion upon a family may be as devastating to a child as any failure to act in a case of severe abuse."
7. Through misuse of this power - whether intentional or negligent social services agencies have become feared institutions in the minds of many Americans. This compels adoption of a constitutional standard adequate to insure CPS agents and police officers carry out their mandate- to protect children and preserve families where possible- without denigrating the rights of those they are charged to protect."
8. " Judicial Review is essential in the absence of emergency or parental consent"
9. " Experience demonstrates that when CPS agents and police or sheriffs investigating alleged child abuse bypass judicial review, violations of constitutional rights of children and parents often occur."
10. " Allowing CPS agents and policemen to interview children at school in the absence of exigency, parental consent, or a warrant as Petitioners urge, will undoubtedly lead to many more abuses of families.."
11. " The joining of forces, required by CAPTA, between CPS agents and police creates doctrinal confusion under the Fourth Amendment because of the mixed motives of government officials"
12. " One could surmise the only reason these agents went to the school to interrogate this little girl was that they were trying to skirt the constitutional warrant."
13." This has become a widespread practice among police and CPS Agents
14. " No remedy Exists in the juvenile courts for abuse of Constitutional rights"
15. " The vast majority of CPS agents lack the education and training required to qualify as a "professional"
16. " As stated earlier, CPS agents in general are not professionals. The word professional implies a certain level of expertise, education, and training that is lacking in those who generally work for CPS."
17. "This means that 84% of caseworkers who work for CPS have no education, background, or training to work in a field that allows them to make momentous decisions about whether children should be removed from their parent's care, custody and control. By comparison to police officers, CPS agents are undereducated, under trained, and poorly versed in constitutional principles"
18. "Other systemic issues illustrate the need for a check on the power of CPS agents"
19. " The government's vital interest in preventing child abuse does not require sacrifice of Fourth Amendment protections"
20. ' Money creates a perverse incentive in the juvenile system"
21. " Since the funding is tied to the removal and adoption of children, little effort is made to keep children at home with services to the parents. The longer children remain out of the home, the more money CPS agencies receive.
22. This funding under Title IV-E of the Social Security Act has spawned a huge child abuse industry.
23. "It is the function of the neutral magistrate, not CPS agent, to determine what constitutes probable cause as required by the Fourth amendment."

Isn't it high time to write your Senators, your Congressman and DEMAND this to STOP. Federal money is causing this crime against U.S citizens. The only answer =is to privatize CPS and demand the states train these idiots. or face criminal charges. The way it stands now, is that CPS answers to NO ONE. make that CHANGE. Contact you elected leaders and put a stop to this shameful crimes against American families.

Or, you can wait til they come knock at your door someday, and drag your kids off crying and screaming. Think you can call your Congressman for help? Think again. They cite (Ethics) and refuse to help you.

The Hidden Abuse of Kid's Blood is NOT thicker than water

There's an old saying that,"Blood is thicker than water."

Unfortunately, it's often an abused child's own blood which is hidden by the people that are "Supposed," to protect that child. Such is the ongoing abuse of any child.

It isn't a secret by the family, but to turn in one of their own family members is looked at as a sin, despite their personal knowledge that this precious little child has been horribly abused, neglected and often endangered.

There is obviously no conscience, or the thought of the after life within the hearts of these kinds of persons. Turning a "Blind Eye," to knowing about abuse, but not doing anything about it, make them as GUILTY as the abuser themselves. Sure, they may profess to be good people and even blaspheme the name of Christianity, but deep in their hearts they are as foul as any abuser on earth.

It doesn't matter who you try and "Protect," if wrong is wrong, if it's your own daughter, sister, husband or any family member that you know has abused a child, it's your responsibility to stand up and take a stand. That innocent life that hangs in the balance, often by a thread, is the ONLY thing that should enter your mind, your heart, and,  be shouted from your lips.

In truth, you haven't hidden anything, or covered it up, but instead have poisoned your own soul. Only a fool, or an idiot keeps their mouth shut when they know of abuse. Blood is not thicker than water, because it's not water than runs out of an abused child, it's their blood, whether it be emotional, or the real thing.

How can ANYONE live with themselves and keep their voice silent. It's our voice that protects the little voices who can't defend themselves. Wake Up!


Sunday, May 15, 2011

Rape at Day Care, Warned CPS and Judge's for 5 years, NOTHING happened

The property of this site is explicit and does not reflect the opinions of childrensrightsmontana,com.  However true the story is, Childrens rights is in no way responsible for the content. Parent's are advised to use upmost care while viewing the information below. This story is true and unfortunately reflects what is happening all across America.

A Parent's True Story

I wrote every State/ Government official for 5 years about this guy, his wife, their unlicensed Day Care. This is my child's maternal grandparents and child was there despite a Order of Protection. I filed complaints to get my child out of there. Even with an Order of Protection against that house, the police refused to prosecute my ex. My ex was the co-author of the Order of Protection, citing how dangerous the home was, violent, rapes, threats. My child was not to be within 1,000 yards of that home. My ex is their daughter, who endangered my child, child was forced to witness the rapes and molestations. CPS refused to take my child from her, even after endangering child's life. By her own self admission, this man, her mother, were dangerous. It is unclear how many dozens of kids were actaully raped by the time they arrested this pervert. The key is, the authorities KNEW that same home was runnng a sex toy business out of the same address, they did nothing. They condoned the sex toy parties, likely the same (Pointy things) that raped two 4 year old little babies, IN WRITING! . My ex? Child neglect, child endangerment, no charges on her. The grandmother, Jacque, Det. W confided she was interviewed and lied about her knowledge of the rapes. No charges were brought against her. Why was this illegal/ Day Care ignored? Who Knew of it, and, possibly used its services to molest kids? Why else cover up an unlicensed day care, illegal one under the Law? I contacted this web site and immediately. CPS refuses to let me see my child, because I exposed their corruption. Parent's, abused kids, you have NO Civil Rights, CPS rewrote them and due to Washington D.C and your elected Politicians, they have a license to kill you, or your kids, or both. Get this, Jacque is STILL babysitting kids, babies. Even the State Day Care Licensing Board doesn't give a rats a___!
Update: 3/4/09-Jerry Lindau, facing seven felony counts of sexual assault against children, was found dead in his cell on Wednesday. More details at end of article.
…while I’m on the subject of bad babysitters
Jerry Lindau
Jerry Lindau
Billings, MT–Jerry L, 62, and his wife Jacque, ran an unlicensed daycare out of their home and cared for at least 12 pre-school aged children. The L’s claim that all of those children are relatives. You probably know where this one is going, don’t ya?
L was arrested when it was discovered that he had sexually molested a pair of 4-year-old twins. These two little girls told their daddy that Jerry had been touching their ‘nu-nu’s,’ their terms for vagina. The man they called ‘Papa’ penetrated them with his finger…they stated that sometimes he did it too hard, and it hurt. The children also told authorities that Jerry had touched their nu-nu’s with his tongue. The girls were forced to touch Jerry…one of the girls said that the place she touched was wet and her hand got wet. For the purpose of keeping my breakfast in my stomach, where it belongs, I’m not going any further into the nasty details. You can find the graphic details here, in the charging documents. Those two little girls gave the police information that most 4-year-olds could never dream up.
When one of the girls told ‘Grandma Jackie’ that Papa was putting a stick with ‘pokie things’ on it in her butt, Grandma Jackie told her to stop joking with her. Grandma Jackie didn’t believe them. ____ you Grandma Jackie. You should be sitting in an adjoining cell. Papa told the girls not to tell their daddy. ____ you Papa…you lard ass child raping ___hole.
Jerry was arrested and is being held on $100,000. He is being charged with four counts of sexual intercourse without consent and three counts of sexual assault. Jerry is no stranger to law enforcement. In 1982, he was convicted of negligent homicide; he struck and killed a 6-year-old boy as he crossed the street on his bike. Jerry didn’t spend any jail time on that conviction, his three-year sentence was deferred and he had to do community service. Big f____’ whoop! He was also arrested on suspicion of assault in 1991.
Jerry's former son-in-law, XXXXXX, says Jerry exhibited aggressive and dangerous behavior years ago. He says he wasn’t surprised at the allegations being made against Jerry. ‘It is not a question of if, it was when. I have feverously (sic) contacted every government agency for 5 and a half years. I’ve known the family since 1999,’ said XXXXX.
XXXX said that he and others reported abuse about the Jerry family. Documents filed in court between two and six years ago state that Jerry has a ‘history of physical abuse’ and about a person being ‘physically, emotionally and sexually abused’ by Jerry. Nothing was done.‘He’s an extremely temperamental and violent man. I had been told sexual abuse in the home by close relatives had transpired in the home and been allowed to transpire in the home under his supervision, while he was in the home,’ said XXXX
Update: Jerry died in Jail 3 days later awaiting sentencing. The (Official cause of death) was a heart attack, and the jailclaimed that the bruises on Jerry's chest were from performing CPR. They murdered Jerry, probably good justice under the charges, Prisoner's would have killed him anyway.

What Did the Ninth Circuit Court Say About CPS?

See what Supreme Court Justice Moreno in the Ninth Circuit Court has to say about how CPS does their job. See

CPS are untrained, unprofessional, misuse of power according to Justice Moreno.

Major overhaul needed. CPS may lose their right to remove children.

It's no secret. The abuse of power by CPS and a lot of Family Court Judges is Nationwide. The problem is these Judges (Pass the buck) and rely on a corrupt group of CPS decisions, so the Judge can wash his hands of any "Personal," wrongdoing and simply blame someone else.

That's what they (Think). The United States Supreme Court has Ruled that not only Judges can be held "personally' responsible, but they can also face criminal charges. That goes for CPS workers as well, and, police officers.

Judges and CPS can be prosecuted, punished criminally for willful deprivation of Rights under Title 18 U.S.A. sections 241 and 242. Anyones Rights being violated falls under Title 42 USC 1983 for federal civil rights violations.

Have you been wronged? Then DO SOMETHING! Write your Senators, Congressman, DEMAND they uphold your Rights! The (Pat answer) by these clowns is "It's a legal issue and we can't get involved in legal issues, our code of ethics prohibits us as mandated by law."

Hogwash!!!! The Code of Ethics simply states, "They 'should' not get involved." It does NOT state they 'shall not' get involved. Our elected officials have the obligation and authority to prevent the misuse and misappropriation of federal money, and, to protect us as citizens when these monies are being misused by corrupt CPS agencies, Corrupt Judges and Corrupt police agencies.

Look at the hundreds of children who have died due to CPS failure. It's shocking.

When will this stop? When people stand up and regain our RIGHTS and our children's RIGHTS.

Stop Child Abuse and Corruption by CPS and Bad Judges

America MUST wake up to what's happening Nationwide. Family Courts consistently ignore children and parental rights, due to CPS misusing Federal dollars to get more money for their State, targeting families who are innocent is a common practice. CPS is self funded, from Washington D.C HHS, but they get 3 dollars to their State for every 1 dollar they spend. What an incetive for Corruption. Your Senator, your Congressman grab these monies and fund illegal activities by turning a blind eye to how that money is being spent. Get into trouble and be innocent, then try and contact your Congressman or Senator and ask for their help. YOU won't get any. Their pat answer is it's a legal issue, and ethics prohibit them from helping you, yet it is our tax dollars they are funding these shameful practices with.

There is NO oversight on what CPS is doing. That's why so many kids are dying each year under their noses. Your Rights, or your child's Rights mean nothing to them. The only thing that means anything is those Federal Bucks. CPS constantly violates your 4th and 14th Amendment. Your Senator and Congress know it too, but refuse to hold Hearings into the matter.

Wake UP America, make our politician's DO SOMETHING. If CPS was privatized and their Federal money dried up, then they would do their job and kids would be saved. We cannot rely on our pork barrel politicians to protect us, or our kids anymore. Demand Change.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

The Facts, The Ruthless Truth

Did you know, I doubt it, that for every State CPS case that CPS takes, they get between 18,000 and 30,000 dollars per kid. Guess where that money comnes from? Give up? Washington D'C and your State Senators and Congressman support the States to misappropriate Federal Money and use these funds to RUIN and DESTROY familes.

Your Senators, your Congressman, won't hold Hearings to prevent the slaughter of famlies, only so State idiots can grab those almighty funds to fund their shameful programs.

CPS is  funded, only by legislative bucks, that come from Washington D.C, Dept, of HHS. If CPS in your state doesn't snag, kidnap, destroy familes to keep afloat, they sink, as they should do. They're BROKE without those Federal bucks. But, if you complain to your Senator, or Congress, they ignore you. Whats' up with that?

Attorney's here call DFS (Departemnet of Family Services) DUFUS.

Please America, please citizens, DEMAND change, write your piece of garbage Senators and Congress, FORCE them to change the laws. Do you know if CPS was privatized, more kids would NOTdie under their blatant ignorance.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

So Montana Congressman Rehburg, What Can You Say?

The TRUE Story From a Father

On May 2, 2011, I was contacted by Congressman Denny Rehburg's Office, "Randy Vogel". He asserted that (I) had sent him an e-mail, or to Congressman Rehburg, which I had not.

At first, Mr. Vogel seemed to be concerned over what's transpired with the child abuse of my child, and , the unwillingness for local government to do something about it. Well, that all changed later.

After an exhaustive search and changing of all my passwords on accounts, I ascertained that Mr. Vogel was being less than truthful. I offered to meet with him via e-mail, and he refused to decline thus far.

Mr. Vogel was very interested in my Diary, Daily Journal, which in fact I do keep for years. What wasn't known to Mr. Vogel, is that I have conclusive evidence that his boss, Congressman Rehburg, knew about CPS troubles all the way back in 2005? Rehburg's denial and refusal to (get involved) led to numerous children being raped and molested in Billings, an unlicensed Day Care.

While it is (Possible) that I may hear back from Mr. Vogel, I have serious doubts.

I did however surrender his office the right to see the case, (Yeah right) that they ignored for years, which has now mushroomed into a bigger case, over MY RIGHTS and my child's DENIED RIGHTS for Protection, to publicly post Mr. Rehburg's and CPS failure, along with every other politician in this state for over 5 years.

Note: They can all run and hide under rocks, but the Truth is the Truth, and, NOBODY Listened which cost numerous children their innocence, their childhood and possibly their lives down the road, including my son's.

Mr. Rehburg, you can't (HIDE) behind the "Ethics Rule," which states, "You SHOULD Not get involved in local matters," When it does not preclude (You SHALL NOT) when injustice is being done to children, or targeting innocent parent's.