My Best Friend

My Best Friend
We're ALL Footprints on Earth. Follow kids.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

CPS Failure to Protect Montana Children

More True Stories of an Innocent Child:

A child had 5 possible concussions in 1.5 years, kicked down a flight of stairs, cigarette burns, beaten and bruised with the handle of a flyswatter, documented by a doctor, masturbated from age 3 through 5 years old, identified who was sexually abusing child and several E.R. trips to the hospital, two after being beaten in the face by the mother. At age 5, child couldn't control urinating. A doctor called CPS and reported suspected sexual abuse of the child. CPS went behind the fathers back and told the doctor he was lying. CPS did nothing. CPS told the father to take child to a specific child psychiatrist, which he did. CPS went behind the father's back to the psychiatrist and told him father was lying. The child was living at maternal grandparent's unlicensed Day Care which had a Order of Protection against the child from being there by both birth father and mother. Father had warned CPS and the police,as well as all Officials of Governmet numerous times for 5 years and 4 months that the home was dangerous. CPS refused to listen to Dad. The Police refusedto enforce a Court Order od a Leagl Orderof Protection that this child was not tobe within 1500 yards of this abusive home. CPS also allowed, permitted and condoned the grandparents to run an adult pornographic sex toy business out of the same address. In February 2009, five years after dad's pleading the authorities to do something, the police finally raided the day care and arrested the grandfather on 7 felony counts of rape and molestation of numerous children, two were only 4 years old. CPS refused to return the dad's son to his care. The F.B.I. was asked by Senator Max Baucus to investigate. The F.B.I. concluded that CPS had failed to protect the child , but the F.B.I. had no jurisdiction over CPS. The F.B.I. said CPS was not returning the child to the dad's custody, because it would be an admission of CPS guilt and they are afraid of being sued. Every authority who the father warned for years, now attacks his credibility. The child even tried to run away from mother's home, so she moved my son 150 miles away from the dad with the Court's permission,even though the mother Violated the Court's Order. The mother even told the child she was "Stealing the child."

U.S. Senator Max Baucus refuses to protect my child's Civil Rights and states in writing, "It's a legal issue and he can't "ethically" get involved." Isn't that his job, to protect our Civil Rights? The Billings Gazette, reporter Greg Tuttle, who broke the story about the day care rapes, refuses to write a story on what's happened to kids because," CPS has more power than the CIA."

In February 2010, the child told dad that mom said it was fun to play with childs privates and child was afraid she was going to do it again. Dad called CPS and warned them. They waited two weeks to call Dad. Dad warned them (On tape) that he would never trust the child around new baby sister alone, as he had caught child performing sexual acts with stuffed animals and even the family dog. CPS failed to listen. Twenty eight days later, the child was caught trying to force baby sister (1 year old) to do sexual acts on child. The child began talking about sexual things to two neighbor children last winter. CPS did nothing. Dad hired another child psychologist for 8 months. The child revealed child abuse and the child's school also reported child abuse at least twice in one month. CPS did nothing, except attack dad and try and blackball dad to his child's's therapist and to the Court. Dad even supplied CPS with medical evidence from September 2009, that the child's mother had tried to hide that the child was peeing blood for over one month. She refused child care. When dad learned how sick child was, the mother tried to block the clinic from releasing my child's records to dad.  The mother took the witness stand in Court, September 29, 2009 and lied to the Court, perjury, and swore the child's health was perfect. When father later found out she had lied, he alerted the Court that his child had internal bleeding. The Court refused to set a new hearing. The mother has violated every Court Order to date.

The child was getting very ill over the last three months. The mother refused a doctor.Child was pale, vomiting, weak. The mother refused child a dentist, even with a broken tooth. Child has 11 bad teeth. The mother was under Court Order since September 2008, to immediately take the child to counseling. She refused. CPS did nothing, nor did the Court. On January 9, 2011, dad's child was vomiting blood and he rushed child to the hospital. The mother had been making child take adult strength Aleve for painful teeth. The child had surgery, where numerous sores were discovered as the Motrin had eaten stomach lining. CPS did nothing. Though CPS is mandated by law to charge the mother with medical, dental and psychological abuse and neglect under their current laws, CPS did nothing. The mother was given all day to day care and medical care of the child, yet refused any care, even under a Court Order. CPS refused to intervene and left the child after father begged them to not do so. Now, thechild is being coached by the mother, what to say to CPS or anyone, with indisputable proof on tape. Father warned them in writing this would happen, as it has in the past, and begged them, as well as two psychologists, to remove my child from the mother. CPS refuses.

Now, CPS has ordered a TIA, Temporary Investigative Authority. CPS refuses to return dad's calls or talk with him. Dad is the only one who has gotten the child the help he needs. CPS doesn't care. Father surrendered two years of Daily Diary to CPS, and legally obtained tape recordings, proving horrible physical, emotional abuse as well as child endangerment by the mother. CPS doesn't care. Immediately after CPS got involved again, the child's mother has alienated child from the father and haraases the father and child every night on the phone. CPS does nothing to stop it. Every time CPS is involved, the mother attacks the child's health and abuse in an effort to stop the child or dad from reporting her. Dad gave CPS numbers of witnesses, even his ex wife's own family members to substantiate his claims of abuse. CPS refuses to contact any witness the father supplied.

The child will either die under mothers care, or according to one of the counselors, will be a high risk child for suicide. Dad has written every state agency, every congress, senator, atty generals, secretary of state, the governor and two heads of CPS at our capital. Nobody will respond.

It is cases like dad's child's, which lead to a child's death, or turns them into criminals if they don't kill themselves first. Per CPS, it is not illegal to beat your child in this state, unless you leave a mark. Montana is killing Montana children. They have destroyed this child's life and this State's future.

We ask you, what kind of child protection were all those victims given who were raped and molested by the child's grandfather? The rape and molestation went on for years What kind of protective organization would condone an adult sex toy business and sex toy party's to be one out of the same home as the Day Care??? Montana, that's who and CPS did nothing, other than to tell the child's doctors and counselors that dad was lying. CPS could have stopped the rapes but did absolutely nothing. Nothing at all.

The last Court date, February 4, 2011, members of the child's maternal side of the family (The mother's own family) came to testify to the Court, Judge G, that they had witnessed child abuse by the mother. The Judge refused their testimony, then publicly attacked not only the father, but the child's credibility and licensed therapist on the witness stand. The Judge didn't care what abuse the child had told the own doctor in (Private sessions.) This County and this State are doing everything in their power to stop a lawsuit against them for their failure to protect the Child's life. That's all dad's child means to them, child is collateral damage, and, they're afraid of being sued.


  1. i hope you will go to the media with your story. the latest cps failure has made me sick. this needs to stop. good luck.

  2. God bless you! CPS is a total failure and needs to be abolished NOW! EVERYONE needs to contact their state reps. CPS always takes the course of least resistance, and hides child abuse if it makes their job easier. They are CRAZY about returning the child to the mother, even if it turns out like poor October Perez, where she got beaten to death after they sent her home!!


    My story is almost identical a few states away in MI also it is the father and step mom who are tormenting my girls. 5 years & $50,000 later I managed to get one out but my other is still suffering. This needs to stop we need to stand up for them and never stop becaues the truth will prevail if we are loud enough...These are the stories that no one hears for goodness sake we need to scream it loud to the heavens and whoever will listen. What do we do when our hands are tied and left alone in the dark SCREAM LOUDER...



  4. Maybe follow the money as in whatever Federal entity gives them funds and complain to that office?

    I can't believe this, our family is going through something very similar. I keep thinking it will be over soon, but no matter what we do, it's not enough, one more thing, you can't see them yet. Found not guilty by jury, thought it would be all over. I was beginning to wonder if maybe they don't want it to be over because they are afraid of being sued. I think this is probable now after reading these article. We have excellent notes and documentation and they know it. Cps committed perjury. Must be standard operating procedure. Their day will come...

  5. Any body willing to give names, i am Christy Maddocks from Helena CPS said it was alright that my daughter had sex at 12 because she had. We spoke with the director
    Don he said Christy was his best investigator, she told the x-everything that the kids told them yep they were punished.

  6. CPS failed me as a child and is now
    Failing my children. I dont quit understand i have had my kids since day one and all the sudden the father and his wife want my kids and my daughter says dad is sexualy abusing her but montana through out all eveidence and wants him to have full custody. and my youngest does not even know here father.

  7. God has heard your cries. It's going to end. Read and claim Psalms 10:12-18 over this stuff. Read the story of gideon. David and Goliath, Daniel and the Lions Den. God is about to act. Hang on and P.U.S.H. Pray Until Something Happens

  8. I hope God has a plan. My children are suffering from the mental abuse,verbal abuse and overall neglect of their father when they are in his care. CPS was contacted by the pediatrician because of her concerns and nothing gets done. I am so afraid that things will have to get to extremes before that man gets shut down. He has even beat up his girlfriend a couple of times, still nothing for the protection of the children because of the laws in Montana.

  9. The OMBUDSMAN bill is HB 76! Please CONTACT EVERY Montana legislator ASAP and be positive, and encourage them to support it ASAP. As of today - April 16th, it is in the Senate.

  10. HOORAY!! The Governor has signed HB 76 and it's funding into law. Soon,there will be an Ombudsman who does NOT work for CFS looking out for children!! Thanks for your help...THIS PROVES YOU CAN MAKE a DIFFERENCE!

  11. cps took our child for inconsistent parenting Wow and they ignore the horrible acts that are being done the ombudsman is in and will start April 2014 I pray she can get our child home and stop the illegal activities of cps if they are so law abiding why are they afraid to be recorded keep after the senators,state reps the head of cps any and all need to be held accountable for the blind eye of justice

  12. My child's father is currently under investigation for drinking and driving. He has 3 DUI's, one with a newborn baby in the car, but the police didn't charge him with a child endangerment on that one. So far everyone is sympathetic to this guy and doesn't see the DUI's as a big deal because they are each spaced about 3-4 years apart, the first one being in 2001. A TIA has been issued for 90 days and the father must be supervised during his visitation with my son, the approved supervisors are dad's girlfriend (who continues to stay in the relationship even after her own kids are complaining to DFS for drinking and driving as well as being scared because of all of the fighting going on in the home) or dad's mother. The newborn in the drinking and driving accident (just a few years ago) is the product of the girlfriend and this dad. Why she didn't leave him after this incident is beyond me, she has 3 other children as well. No one is going to do anything and I have been told that it is not a crime in Montana to be a crappy parent. All allegations made by the children have been dismissed because I am "coaching" my son and the other children in that home are just mad at their mom so they are acting out. Four children substantiating the same thing about this guy and no one doing a thing. Very disappointing that their aren't better rights for these kiddos!!!

  13. CPS had substantiated abuse by my ex husband is 2008 on our 4 year old son...then overturned the ruling (unknown to myself) later even though all the evidence was very clear! He is now being charged for abusing another child...and trying to overturn our exparte order which keeps him away from my son! CPS is failing to protect these kids!!!

  14. The same thing is happening to a family member. The children are being forced into a home with documented molestation and Great Falls CPS workers under the guidance of Marty Vining and Darcy Rupp are threatening to remove parental rights from the protective parent. Anyone who the children told about the molestation are being called liars. Why are these corrupt women forcing children to live as sex slaves? What legislator or police department is going to take a stand to protect the children. Who cares about the children!!??? These women are running around threatening anyone who stands in their path of destruction! People including parents, lawyers, counselors, advocates, and contracted workers are being threatened with the loss of their contracts, jobs, and even children for not keeping their mouth shut about the corruption. Even the Great Falls police department knows about the corruption, yet refuses to act. Please write any legislator you can, police chiefs, mayors, judges...word must get out and someone needs to start caring about the best interest of the children!

    1. Yes something similar is happening to a family I know and Cascade Co. Attorney John Parker along with DFS Adm. in Helena are trying to push a case they know has no merit in hopes of making up for past incompetence. Great Falls is ground zero for state sanctioned kidnapping.

  15. I was shocked to read this, but not shocked because something similar has happened to me at the hands of Darcy Schindele and Daria Mowry in Great Falls. I believe these women HATE children and want nothing more than to see them suffer miserably. My child has reported to me and his/her counselor numerous times that he/she is being molested by daddy. Daria has been contacted multiple times by multiple professionals regarding this abuse. She personally threatened the counselor and I, that if we ever report any type of sexual abuse again, I will NEVER see my child again and she will personally see to it that I loose my parental rights. So, the ruling for me...sit down and shut up while my child is being brutally molested or I will never see my child again! Wake up people...DHS has nothing to do with the safety of children. These women are forcing my child to live as a molested child until he/she is old enough to leave the abuse. These women should be put behind bars for trafficking children and forcing them to live though sexual molestation. This is so wrong!!!

  16. I have a cps issue that I'm still trying to solve and take care of to this day. It all started back on October 7th 2015 when i was pulled over for having a break light out, the police officer who pulled me over and talked with me about my break light being out and to let me know that I had a warrent for my arest for not paying on my traffic fines, at some point in time cps notified law in order awail back 2012 that they've been trying to make contact with me and my family regarding my kids health and safety and that they were unable to Make contact with us and that the reports are old and they are trying to clear them out of there systems. After I was arrested and put in back of the police car cps showed up on the seen and interviewed my wife at the gas station were we got pulled over at cps told my wife that if she did not tak a ua for them right now that they cps will take are kids I front of her right then and now my wife complied for the fear of having are kids tooken by cps she took the ua in the gas station and passed the ua they gave her later on a few days later they went to my house with police officers and removed are 3 children ages 2,4,& 8. When my wife was told to show up for the emergency removal court hearing held the held the affidavit that cps wrote about me was false and untrue, in the affidavit report it stated that I was pulled over for a traffic violation that I was drunk or highly intoxicated on some kind of controlled substance which where false. When I finally went to court for my tragic ticket I took it to trial and reseved the police report from the arresting officer and a emailed report filled from one of the other cps worker that was there when they were called and in the email that was sent to prosecutor office did not match what was reported on the affidavit they the cps filled in court against me. When I was in jail for the warrent cps and the courts did not serve me with my paper work to notify me of my hearing after the took my children they finally served me with paper work 77 days after the took my children in the affidavit I reseved from the cps and courts i tryed to get my day in court to prove that the aligations were false they told me in courts documents that i will not get my day in court do to they already gave my kids back. On the affidavit on the back it showed that the cps manager who is also a state of Montana notary signed and notarized the document. I found out that under Montana code annoyed it is illegal to do so. Tell this day i keep putting in speaks through the courts to still have my case be droped in court and to have some kind of legal actions to be done but the prosecutor refuses to let that happen do to the kids being placed back in home.

  17. CPS in Billings, MT. April 2016 These people follow their own agenda, do not follow their own policy guides,and do not take extended family members into consideration. I don't believe the system is totally all bad...just the people who currently run the department in Billings. It doesn't make sense to subject a child to "foster care" with adoption already in the planning,when there are FAMILY members willing and ready to take care of the child. A recent quote from a CPS supervisor was "We don't have time for extended families". This was during a discussion regarding the "best interest of the child". What would be better? Being with loving familiar people the child has ties with and to whom they are related to, or an unknown stranger?
    It's almost impossible to "fight" the system, but what are families supposed to do? Who do we reach out to while decisions are being made by people who have chosen not to listen to you in the first place?
    I have to sign off as Anonymous, because CPS would hold my comments against me and other members of my family.
